Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine Banner

Well, he got the little valentines notes, and I had worked on them for so long that I did not know what to do with them, I really did not want to throw them away. I had been seeing all over the internet little heart banners and such and decided to turn mine into one also!

All I did was chain-stitch and when I wanted to add a heart I used a triple crochet stitch, but the hearts were made from plastic canvas so I had to use a very small crochet needle. That was fun switching back and forth - I had the dropsies! Then on the second row used my favorite shell pattern (there are so many), but mine is basically *3dc in 1ch, sk 1ch, sc in next ch, sk 1ch,* over and over. That went much easier!

I think it turned out quite well.

1 comment:

  1. aww! the chain! :) i remember that ;)
    -your daughter


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