Friday, February 17, 2012


Last month a dear friend had brought me some heirloom seeds she had harvested from her garden last season, to include a seed tray! Well I planted them right away and was so excited as had tomatoes, eggplant, and a few other little sprouts pop up, and darn it if the mice didn’t find a way to get to them and had themselves a mighty fine dinner! I did manage to save the eggplant sprouts. Well, my friend knew right away that something had happened when I didn’t show her the progress made, and today she brought me some of her extra seedlings. She has also said her husband can bring a load of good lake dirt for the garden for when we are ready for it. Hehe, I wonder if he knows he has been “volunteered” J That’s ok. I “volunteered” my hubby to go and help him get it!!!

And she has been bringing me fresh eggs. NOTHING can compare to fresh eggs, I am officially spoiled!

I believe this garden will be extra special, as it was friendship that helped start it J

Oh!!! And mom will be coming to visit soon, I can’t wait to show her! 

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